For Wired Thermocouple Systems

Deflection System
Deflection System
The deflection measurement system measures the plus/minus deflections of containers during thermal processes. Deflection measurements make it possible to establish the process parameters, so that flexible and semi-rigid containers can be processed with as little mechanical stress and deformation as possible.
A holding device for containers, that is manufactured to fit the exact container type and size, is combined with a stainless-steel plate to keep everything in place during processing. Finally, a deflection transducer is introduced via the D-Flex module to the USB port of the E-Val Pro thermocouple system, before the entire setup is placed inside the autoclave chamber. Ideal for testing the resistance of packaging materials against different levels of retort pressure used in the food industry to avoid implosion or explosion.
Main Advantages:
✔ Ideal solution for setting up container tests for new recipes
✔ Adapted individually for each type of container
✔ Displays the maximum pressure a certain container can withstand
before deformation/burst