TrackSense® Pro Data Logger with Thermocouple Sensor

The smaller the better... That's exactly what Ellab's new TrackSense Pro Data Logger with Thermocouple Sensor is!
Due to the unique design, it is possible to connect extremely thin thermocouple wires to the TC sensor to measure the temperature in small containers, e.g. freeze drying vials. And with the built-in cold junction compensation, the sensor as an extremely high accuracy of ±0.3 °C.
The sensor has a temperature range of -80 to +62°C and is calibrated from -60 to +60°C. The wire is equipped with a “naked” tip that reduces the response time to an absolute minimum.
Our new sensor is especially designed for freeze drying/lyophilization applications where the sensor size is a critical parameter. The small thermocouple wires are to ensure as little impact on the sample as possible, therefore we recommend using LYO fittings when introduced into vials.
The sensor is interchangeable and completely compatible with any of the TrackSense Pro data loggers – and can even be fitted with the SKY option for real time data communication.
Ellab’s new Thermocouple Sensor offers some exciting features and benefits:
- Ideal for monitoring sample temperatures during freeze drying
- Introduced into vials using LYO fittings, ensures as little impact on samples as possible
- The thermocouple wire can easily be replaced by simply using a screwdriver
- Ideal for applications that highly strain wires
- Has a built-in cold junction compensation that provides a state-of-the-art accuracy of ±0.3 °C
- Can be autoclave sterilized
See our promotion video here and read more about our Thermocouple Sensor here.