Increased versatility for the TrackSense® Pro Thermocouple Sensor

Our TrackSense® Pro Thermocouple Sensor now presents new features, offers a wider measuring range and works in new applications.
Our TrackSense® Pro Thermocouple Sensor now presents new features, offers a wider measuring range and works in new applications.
Until now, the Thermocouple Sensor has primarily been used for freeze drying applications, where the sensor’s small size is important. With the arrival of the new ValSuite® 5.2, it is possible to benefit from the fact that the thermocouple sensor can measure and record temperatures between -200 and +400 °C, if the logger body is kept at room temperature and the thermocouple sensor cable is inserted into the application.
By allowing the thermocouple sensor to extend its temperature range and its range of applicable thermocouples, it drastically increases its potential use and versatility. SIP/CIP of e.g. Continuous Aseptic Processes as well as steam supplies to fermenters and the validation of very small ovens, are just a few of the new applications.