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Ellab Policies

Whoever Ellab may deal with, and wherever Ellab may operate, Ellab is committed to doing so lawfully, ethically and with integrity. As part of this commitment, all forms of bribery and corruption are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Ellab request and demand decent and proper conduct of business from company associates involved in trade with Ellab. Ellab is of the conviction, that it is of unquestionable mutual interest, that existing rules and conventions are adhered to at all times. In order to trade with Ellab the supplier must of course adhere to all international conventions and national legislation, which are applicable to the country where the work or service is carried out.

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Anti-Corruption Policy
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Supplier Code of Conduct
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Employee Code of Conduct
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Privacy Policy
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Whistleblower Policy
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Global Quality Policy
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Global Sustainability

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