Looking for Accurate Results? 

Enhance Your Life Science Lab's Performance with UKAS Calibration

Boost Your Life Science Lab’s Reputation with UKAS Calibrations

When your instruments are calibrated to UKAS standards, it means that your measurements are accurate and reliable, giving you confidence in the data produced at your lab.


Being UKAS accredited means that your laboratory’s calibrations are carried out to the highest international standards of measurement traceability and accuracy. This can help build trust with your customers and enhance the reputation of your laboratory.


At Ellab, our experienced engineers provide on-site and off-site calibrations and use techniques to ensure your equipment is calibrated to the highest standard. We know that lab equipment is an investment, and we want to help you protect that investment.


Ensuring Precision and Trust with Accurate Results

Using Ellab's calibration services is essential in keeping your lab equipment running smoothly. Regular calibration allows you to catch any inaccuracies before they lead to costly errors in your research or production processes. This means you can have confidence in your results, which can have a significant impact on patient safety, product quality, and scientific research.


With Ellab's ISO 17025 accredited services, you invest in the credibility and reliability of your lab's results. Our accreditation covers a broad range of general laboratory equipment, from temperature probe calibrations to balance calibrations. It's a mark of excellence and quality assurance.


What We Calibrate

UKAS Speed


Platelet Agitators

UKAS Temperature



Circulating Baths
Handheld Indicators

Environmental Chambers
Temperature Data Loggers





UKAS Weight


Weighing Scales

Your Needs, Our Expertise – Contact us for UKAS calibration support

0151 355 1314

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